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Setbacks & Faith

Setbacks can be anything in life if you let those things have that much power over you. The smallest inconvenience, like the grocery store running out of your favorite cereal, can become a setback in your mind.

But how do you really over come those setbacks? The truth is, you don't, more importantly though, you find ways to cope. You find ways to let it go and move on. Which isn't always easy like even I may seem to make it out to be. Your grandmother passing away may be a setback that takes real amounts of time to overcome. Maybe you didn't expect that to hit you so hard.

The most wonderful gift we have is Christ, He will give you more peace in your times of struggle than you could even know what to do with. That peace is exactly what will help you to overcome all of the various setbacks in your life. This too takes time, you have to nurture your relationship with God to feel His peace.

Sit back and think to yourself "what good could come from this setback in my life?" This is my favorite question to ask myself because when you constantly search for the goodness you can't help but see the good in all things. Like with the cereal, maybe that particular kind has outrageous amounts of sugar and is doing you more harm than good. So being forced to try something different gives you the chance to have a healthier option to fall in love with.

I lost a childhood friendship months back through a nasty falling-out and honestly that was something that set me back. I was caught off guard. I never expected things to end the way they did, even through the time and distance I still thought we were great friends. She thought differently, it sounds silly, but it hurt. I had to take time away from even our mutual friends to heal. I didn't want my ache to get back to her through them.

Through all the time of healing God opened my eyes. I needed to reconnect with my other friends, their friendships are more valuable than what happened with one. I had to step up and be a more Godly person, I needed to show His love and forgiveness. It takes strength to do that through any setback, not just relational ones. Even more so ones we feel we must face alone.

Regardless of how we may fear ridicule from those we love or don't even know, on differing opinions, we must stand strong in our faith. God and His word have been around far longer than our "ways" of doing things and we must trust in His knowledge. I know it isn't easy and that's a setback in and of itself, but as faithful servants we have to surrender to the plan that has been laid out before us.

Much love Y'all! Thanks for stopping in!

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